Unicaf is offering South Africans the chance to pursue quality higher education through its scholarship program this August.

With $1 million in scholarships available, you can study online and earn a prestigious British Master’s degree at an affordable cost.

Why Study with Unicaf?

Here are the top 5 advantages according to our students’ surveys:

  • Affordability (Low Cost – High Quality Degrees)
  • Internationally Recognised (Reputable University Partners)
  • Accesibility (Online Learning Experience)
  • Student Support (Highly Trained Student Advisers)
  • Easy Registration (Apply Easily Online)

How to Apply

Study online for programmes offered by Universities on the other side of the globe, and graduate with qualifications of equal value, credibility and recognition!

Change Your Life With A Unicaf Scholarship. Apply Here.

  1. Complete The Application Form
  2. Documents Are Reviewed
  3. Receive Final Approval

Fill out the form and an adviser will contact you immediately.

Submit all the required documents to determine if your academic qualifications meet the minimum criteria of the respective programme/partner.

The Admissions Officer and the Scholarship Committee will communicate the decision.

By Pee

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